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Recent Publications from Aysha Jawed

August 11, 2022 English

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English Lecturer Aysha Jawed has two new publications in the Journal of Addictive Diseases and Journal of Healthcare Risk Management.

Lecturer Aysha Jawed has two new publications out:

"Lost and found, safe and sound: a case report surrounding the stabilization of a medically complex young adult patient with opioid use disorder through an acute wrapround care approach." The case report manuscript was written with Jawed's multidisciplinary team about a medically and psychosocially complex patient and developing a wraparound care approach in providing comprehensive and integrative care for this patient.

"No excuses, no exceptions except with compassion: A narrative review of visitor aggression in pediatrics." Aysha Jawed conceptualized the manuscript, wrote and prepared the original draft of the manuscript, and reviewed and edited the manuscript. Bernadette Simone Thompson reviewed and edited the manuscript.